Frequently Asked Questions
Is PicketLink free?
Yes, PicketLink libraries are free of charge.

What license does PicketLink use?
PicketLink is open source and is licensed under Apache v2 license.

Where can I get it?
All libraries are available on JBoss Release Repository and Maven Central.
You can also use the PicketLink Installer to not only get the libraries, but to configure a JBoss Enterprise Application Platform 6 distribution with all the necessary libraries/modules.

What about PicketLink v2.1 Series?
PicketLink v2.1.8 is the last community release in the v2.1.x series. We encourage users to upgrade to the latest v2.5 version since it has bug fixes, feature requests and is fully compatible with v2.1.8.
This recommendation is specially for users that are using PicketLink Federation features from the v2.1 series.

How PicketLink relates with Seam Security?
PicketLink v2.5.x is the natural successor of Seam Security. PicketLink is the preferred application security framework for JavaEE applications.

Where did you find these amazing icons?
The icons are from Entypo. You can more information about them, and the full set of icons, at